EPISODE: The Crusade Part 4: The War-Lords
TRANSMITTED: 17 April 1965
WRITER: David Whitaker
DIRECTOR: Douglas Camfield
SCRIPT EDITOR: Dennis Spooner
PRODUCER: Verity Lambert
Doctor Who: The Lost TV Episodes Collection: No. 1 (1964-1965)
Back on CD again for this episode. It's the last time we'll be needing the CD this season though, the remaining three stories are all on DVD.
Barbara escapes and flees to the harem where she is hidden by Maimuna, the daughter of her friend Haroun ed-Din. Ian is lying in the desert staked out where a bandit has captured him. He pleads to be taken to Lydda. Richard discovers the Earl of Leicester gave his marriage plans away and forgives the Doctor. Richard knows battle is near and allows the Doctor to leave. He wishes to see Jerusalem, The Doctor tells him he will but explains to Vicki that he sees it only from afar and he never gets into the city itself. Ian is freed by his captor Ibrahim and persuades him to take him to Lydda. Barbara and Maimuma try to escaped but are betrayed by another member of the harem Fatima. Meanwhile Haroun is trying to enter the palace slaying a guard while shortly afterwards Ian & Ibrahim arrive. Ian gets Ibrahim to steel some of El-Akir's horses for him. Barbara and Maimuma are captured by El-Akir who is then slain by Haroun who is reunited with his long lost daughter. Ian arrives overpowering the remaining guards allowing them all to escape. The Doctor & Vicki reach the woods where the Tardis is but find it surrounded: The Earl of Leicester is stalking them. The Doctor is caught by the guards but Ian & Barbara arrive and Ian bluffs their way into the Tardis which dematerialises. Leicester and his guards decide not to speak about what they have seen. The Tardis crew are pleased to escape but as it starts to land the power fails, the light dim and all of them are frozen to the spot....
Compared to the other three episodes this one worked for me. A bit more action than the others helps perhaps.
Ibrahim is played by Tutte Lemkow, who's already appeared in Doctor Who: Marco Polo (assistant floor manager: Douglas Camfield) and he'll be back in the Myth Makers. He has a role as an old man in Raiders of the Lost Ark who translates for Doctor Jones, but he's most famous for being the fiddler in the film of Fiddler on the Roof.
This series is the only time that two of Doctor Who's longest serving and best known contributors worked together on the series: prolific director Douglas Camfield never used regular composer Dudley Simpson again for any story he worked on. Following this story
they had a disagreement at a dinner party and Camfield elected to use percussive music on his next production, The Time Meddler,
which Simpson then took as a snub and it escalated from there, remaining unresolved at the time of Camfield's death in 1984.
We've reached a notable landmark in our journey: The end of this episode marks the halfway point in Hartnell's reign in terms of episodes. 67 more lie in front of us, of which 34 are currently missing from the BBC archives. Of the 33 which do exist, 14 of them are between now and the end of Season 2. Season 2 is the shortest season of Doctor Who in the sixties, at 39 episodes running from 31st October 1964 to 24th June 1965. Yet with only 2 episodes missing it has 37 remaining, tying with the longer Season Six (44 episodes made) as having the most episodes remaining:
Season 1: 42 episodes made, 09 episodes missing, 33 episodes remaining.
Season 2: 39 episodes made, 02 episodes missing, 37 episodes remaining.
Season 3: 45 episodes made, 29 episodes missing, 16 episodes remaining.
Season 4: 43 episodes made, 34 episodes missing, 09 episodes remaining.
Season 5: 40 episodes made, 27 episodes missing, 13 episodes remaining.
Season 6: 44 episodes made, 07 episodes missing, 37 episodes remaining.
we have a lot of time using CDs ahead of us in the next three Seasons.
The Crusade was the third & final Doctor Who book published in the 1960s, first sold in 1966 and then reprinted by Target in 1973. Until The Aztecs, in 1984, it was the only purely historical story in the Doctor Who book range. As we've seen two episodes plus the soundtracks to the remaining two are available in the
Doctor Who - Lost In Time DVD set while all four episodes have their soundtracks plus naration in the
Doctor Who: The Lost TV Episodes Collection CD set.